Proposed Plan of The Bee Museum

A Beehive shaped building with an underground area that will feature:

  • A discovery center showing how honey is produced

  • Bee Exhibits to see the anatomy of a bee close up

  • Honey tastings from different nectar sources

  • Viewings of honeybees in actual bee hives

  • A Honey Shop

  • A Honeybee themed Cafe´

Our Mission

Our Mission is to educate current and future generations of the importance of bees and urban beekeeping. There are many ways to help- not everyone can keep bees, but all of us can plant bee friendly plants.

"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only 4 years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."

— Albert Einstein

Importance of the Bee Museum

  • Educate children and adults about the importance of the bees and the benefits of raw honey in various cultures, religions, and civilizations.

  • Help create awareness of honey and bees among locals as well as tourists from Pakistan and abroad.

  • Create jobs and micro-economies.

  • Promote urban farming and local beekeeping through education and seminars.

  • Promote local honey products in Pakistan and help bee farmers with state of the art knowledge of commercial and urban bee farming around the world.

Exotic Honey Bees of Pakistan

Pakistan has a wealth of flora & fauna. With a diverse range of climatic conditions and habitat types, the country has a rich Bee Fauna. There are four species of honey bees found in Pakistan:

Apis Dorsata, a large and very aggressive bee by nature that cannot be domesticated.

Apis Florea a very gentle bee by nature but cannot be domesticated, endangered by overuse of pesticides.

Apis Cerena found in the hilly areas of Pakistan, can live both wild and be domesticated.

Apis Mellifera, the European bee we all recognize as the honey bee. There are about 7,000 beekepers raising these bees in Pakistan.

Observation Hives

Explore the tiny world of the honeybees!
Visitors will learn about the importance of bees and the vital role they play in our food supply.

Note: There are more than 2000 types of bees and they are all important pollinators!